Barbara Long British, b. 18 March, 1960



We all have to deal with mess. We find it in our environment, in our homes and in our heads. This mess drives Barbara's art practice: in her sculptures and assemblages, she integrate life’s detritus.

She workd with fragments of previous work and old sketches, cloths used for mopping up in the studio, old threads and wire, tree prunings. She draws on domestic processes, including weaving, stitching, darning, binding, repairing and dyeing: the supposedly “low” arts or crafts usually associated with women. It is a tireless process of making, tearing apart and re-making, a creative process deliberately visible in the final work.

Inspired by natural forms, her sculptures call to mind nests, vessels, nets and cage, and cast shadows on the surrounding space. As metaphorical and literal containers of mess, they relate to her studies in art therapy and the concept of the “holding environment”: the nurturing space created for a patient by the therapist.

Recently she have been dwelling on motherhood, memory and legacy. Using discarded electric wires and packaging materials which she covers with her mother’s old stained dusters and cloths, Barbara is creating larger scale sculptures that invite viewers to enter into them and to explore and modify them. On a smaller scale, she is working on old, worn out cleaning cloths elevating them to the iconic reminiscent of 19th century embroidery samplers.




History of Art, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Masters in Art Psychotherapy

Diploma, Group Psychology, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona


Exhibitions (Solo)


2024          Recollect, Remendar, Reconectar, 7 Islas Hotel, Madrid

2023          Stairway to Heaven, Zona Incontrolable, Madrid

2023          Raices, Zona Incontrolable, Madrid

2021          Structures of Thought 022: Online Exhibition, The MIA Collection

2020          Shelter from the storm, Estudio de Alvaro Catalan de Ocon, Madrid


Exhibitions (Group)


2024          The Elephant is Still in the Room, Centre de Arte Agueda, Portugal

2023          En Casa at Home, Museo Encartada, Pais Vasco

2023          Stairway to Heaven, Madre Natura, Madrid Design Festival, Centro Fernan Gomez

2023          Open Estudio Naranjo Azul, Carabanchel, invited artist

2022          Reclaim, OXO Tower Wharf, London, with Ruup & Form Gallery

2022          En Casa at Home, Casa Bonita, Carabanchel, Madrid  

2022          1er Premio de Arte Textil Contemporaneo, Elche, Alicante

2022          World Textile Assoc Bienal 25 Anniversary, Mother Material Reimagines, Est Art Space,


2022          Open Estudio Naranjo Azul, Carabanchel, invited artist

2022          Stairway to Heaven, Selected & Extreme, Est Art Space, Madrid

2021          Stairway to Heaven, Art Battalion, Plaza de Espana, Madrid

2021          Antes Durante Despues, Espai 30, Barcelona




2023          Mini Residency Casa Movil, Cadiz

2022          Desenredando la Merina, Ras de Terra, Extramadura

2022          Fresh Air Sculpture, UK, exhibiting artist and artist in residence with “Cobijos”

2022          Des- Tejiendo, Residency at Estudio Alvaro Catalan de Ocon

2021          Residency, Ciclos de la vida, Dejando huellas, El Hacedor, Burgos

2020          Residency Paisaje Abierta, Plena Madrid


Prizes (last 2 years)


2023            1er Premio de Arte Textil Contemporaneo, Kitchen Sink Dramas, seleccionado

2022            WTA Bienal Artista Invitada







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