Solenne Jolivet French, b. 1990

  • Solenne Jolivet, Maculato petit 2, 2020
    Maculato petit 2, 2020
    Solenne Jolivet, Maculato petit 2, 2020
    £ 945.00
  • Solenne Jolivet, Atoll bleu nuit #1, 2024
  • Solenne Jolivet, Atoll Coquille bleu doux vers noir , 2024
    Atoll Coquille bleu doux vers noir , 2024
    Solenne Jolivet, Atoll Coquille bleu doux vers noir , 2024
    £ 875.00
  • Solenne Jolivet, Remous #3, 2024
    Remous #3, 2024
    Solenne Jolivet, Remous #3, 2024
    £ 3,492.00

Solenne Jolivet is a French textile artist based in Paris, France. Five years ago she decided to quit her dream job at Hermès, where she was fabric buyer, to become a free-lance embroiderer and artist, she has since developed her vision of textile and embroidery with passion, patience and conviction.

Solenne is laureate of the Fondation Banque Populaire since 2021 - a foundation that support artisans, and member of the initiative “Le Cercle de l’Art”. Last year, she exhibited her work to Révélations (Internationale Biennale of Arts and Crafts), in the Grand Palais Éphémère.

 She wants to paint and draw with yarns, inventing new ways with textile, without any tools, machines, just with the raw material. She enjoys to work with colour, in reference to the incredible textile universal patrimony, and because she find in colour energy and sensibility.

"Benefiting from a double training (Creation at ESAA Duperré and Management at the Institut Français de la Mode), I have been developing since 2016 - a singular and contemporary vision of embroidery through an artistic career and ambitions in the fashion sector and interior architecture. Laureate of the Banque Populaire Foundation (2021)."



2013 Institut Français de la Mode (IFM), Paris
Postgraduate Management Program option Luxe, Mode et Design
2012 Ecole Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués (ESAA) Duperré,Paris
Diplôme Supérieur d’Arts Appliqués, option Mode et Environnement
2010 Diplôme des Métiers d’Arts (DMA) Textile option Broderie

Professional Experience

2017 Regular assignments with luxury houses (Louis Vuitton, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, Schiaparelli, Swarovski, Céline) and embroidery workshops (Cécile Henri, Montex, ICM, Corinne Bizet, Flory Brisset)
2016 HERMES - Paris: Fabric Development Manager - Women's Ready-to-Wear
2014 TARONI - Como, Italy: Junior Sales Representative
2013 Paris: Assistant to the materials buyer - PAP Homme

Exhibitions / Fairs / Residencies

2023 London Art Fair , represented by Ruup & Form Gallery
2023 Collective exhibition at the Hotel le Meurice “Sensual Objects”
2022 Collective exhibition "Memory Desire, works of materials" at the Center d'Art Gallifet in Aix-en-Provence
2022 Participation in Révélations at the Grand Palais Ephémère
2022 Group exhibition "Dreaming Matter" at the Mayaro Gallery
2022 Selected for Season 0 and 1 (2023) of the Cercle de l'Art
2021 Co-organization of the “Confluences” professional Showroom
at the Mayaro Gallery dedicated to contemporary craftsmanship
2021 Exhibition of seven works within the interior design agency "Les Créateurs Chevreuse", Paris
2020 Participation in the “Emergences” Biennale in Pantin
2020 Residency at the Textile Islandic Center in Bönduos, Iceland
2019 Exhibition of the “Chutes” series at the Biennale d’Art Contemporain de Gentilly 2019

Interviews/ Articles/ Publications

2022 Selected of Révélations 2022 in the magazine Ateliers d'Art
2021 Publication of a selection of works on the “Though Objects” site on the occasion of a selection of works on Nature.
2021 Selected at HomoFaber , Michelangelo Foundation
2020 ‘Thread become art’ interview published on
2013 Primaire magazine of the Center Français de la Couleur



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