Ruth Elizabeth Jones British, b. 1967


Ruth's passion for ceramics and the tactile experience of working with her hands was sparked at a young age.  Her educational path led her through 3D design, subsequently leading her to specialize in ceramics and she now creates her work from a studio in rural Dumfriesshire.


Ruth's vessels are characterized by their elegant, rounded forms, reminiscent of the female figure. She employs hand building techniques that were used by neolithic potters from prehistoric matriarchal cultures. The smoke fire process, which involves the use of sustainably sourced shavings of soft and hardwoods, imparts a distinctive finish to her work. The state of meditative focus with which she works is clearly understood when looking at her work.


Ruth's approach to create movement and textures are intentional and thoughtful in producing delicate soft mark-makings across the surfaces which are highly responsive to changes in light, where each facet reveals a new mood or atmosphere. Thinking simultaneously about the inner volume, and outer forms of her vessels, Ruth creates work that evoke the stillness of a quiet holding or a contained space.




1997            Nottingham Trent University: Certificate of                                                  Education (FE)

1988            University of Derby: Higher National Dip. Design                                          Crafts (Studio Ceramics)

1986            Bourneville College of Art: BTEC Cert. Three-                                              Dimensional Design, Birmingham, UK




2023             Winter Collection, Ruup & Form, London

2023/24         Online Winter Exhibition, Thrown Contemporary

2023             Collect, Somerset House, London, Selected by                                              Craft Scotland

2023             Potfest Scotland, Perth

2022/23        Online Winter Exhibition, Thrown Contemporary

2017-23         Spring Fling Open Studio, Dumfries & Galloway

2022            Earthlight, Installation, Spring Fling, Gracefield                                           Arts Centre, Dumfries

2022            Spring Fling, Biscuit Factory, Newcastle

2021/22        Winter Show, Number Four Gallery, Scottish                                               Borders

2020            Group Show, Henry Saywell Gallery, London

2020            San Francisco Fall Show, (online), Henry Saywell                                         Gallery

2019             Silvana McLean, A Life in Art Exhibition,                                                    Whitehouse Gallery, Kirkcudbright

2017              Winter Exhibition, Cut the Mustard Gallery,                                                Langholm

2011              Fire & Earth, Scottish Potters Show, Gracefield                                            Arts Centre

2002-11          Spring Fling Open Studio, Dumfries & Galloway

2010             Craft Showcase, The Gallery, West Kilbride

2009            Ice & Fire, Craft Shop Showcase with Silvana                                              McLean, Gracefield Arts Centre

2009            Late Summer Show, The Gallery, West Kilbride                                            Crafts Town

2008            Solway Spring Exhibition, Culross Pottery &                                                 Gallery, Fife

2007            Summer Show, Strathearn Gallery, Perthshire

2006            Scottish Potters Christmas Show, Carby Arts,                                               Aberdeen

2006            Potfest in the Pens, Penrith

2005           Winter Wonderland Christmas Exhibition,                                                    Whitehouse Gallery, Kirkcudbright

2004           Sparkle Christmas Exhibition, Bonhoga Gallery,                                            Shetland Isles

2004          Craft Showcase, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Bretton                                       Hall

2004          Beyond the Sea, the Ropewalk, Barton-on-Humber

2003          Christmas Show, Gold Gallery, Edinburgh

2003          Scottish Select, SECC, Glasgow

2002          Glasgow Art Fair, Glasgow

2001           Select Exhibition, Craft Focus Gallery, Gracefield                                          Art Centre

2000          Winter Exhibition, Mill on the Fleet Gallery,                                                  Gatehouse of Fleet

2000          Ruth Elizabeth Jones, Solo show, Gracefield Arts                                          Centre, Craft Focus Gallery, Dumfries

1999            Winter Exhibition, Clachanmore Gallery, Stranraer

1990-99       Trade fairs and gallery exhibitions in the Midlands




2022           Compass Emerging Maker Programme, Craft                                              Scotland

2022           Creative Bursary, Upland Arts Development

2005           Professional Development Award, ERDF Craft                                            Development Project

2002           Marketing Award, ERDF Craft Development                                              Project

1990           Princes Youth Business Trust Equipment Bursary






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