Bridget Harvey British, b. 1980


Bridget Harvey is a maker who investigates process, occupying a fluid space between craft and design, making and remaking. She hand-works discarded objects into one-off or small-batch artefacts, drawing techniques from multiple disciplines such as textiles, print, and conservation methods, to create tactile and desirable objects. 

Her artefacts are hybrids of making, auto/biography and process, materialised to communicate discourses of repair-making, sustainability, and sharing. Bridget takes a broad and playful approach, considering exhibiting, curating, facilitating workshops, researching, residencies, writing, and giving talks as vital as making itself. By making and curating artefacts, Bridget re-stories the familiar and reconstructs the forgotten.

Recent work includes completing her practice-based PhD (AHRC funded) Repair-Making: Craft, Narratives, Activism, an artists residency at the V&A (October 2018 - July 2019) and an exhibition of her V&A residency work in the museum for London Design Festival (2019).




2018-2019            Practice led PhD (Repair-Making: Craft, Narratives, Activism), artist-in-residence at     

                                the Victoria and Albert Museum







2024            Inspired at Collect with Ruup&Form

2023            Winter Exhibition with Ruup&Form

2023            Repair Revolution!, Museum fur Gestaltung Zurich

2022            The Conceptual Stitch, Concord Centre for the Visual Arts, Massachusetts

2022            Eternally Yours, Somerset House

2022            Together Again, Bridget Harvey for Toast, Somerset House

2022            Collect 2022, with Ruup&Form

2022            Re-Purpose, National Glass Centre, Sunderland

2021            Collect 2021 with Ruup&Form (online)

2020            London Craft Week, with Ruup&Form

2020            Mad About Waste at Collect 2020, with Ruup&Form, Somerset House

2019            Repair-Making and the Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum

2019            Fashioned from Nature, Natural History Museum of Denmark

2019            Propositional Practice (solo exhibition), National Centre for Craft and Design, Sleaford

2019            Fashioned from Nature, Victoria and Albert Museum
2018            A Narrative of Progress: The Camberwell ILEA Collection (co-curating a section and

                     exhibiting) Camberwell Space




Selected Residencies, talks, press and others



2024            Objects of Memory, workshops for Toast, Barbican Centre, London

2024            Booth talk at Collect 2024

2023            Tending To in Vienna, Summer session hosted by the Royal Designers for Industry at

2023            Getting Making – podcast available on all major platforms (funded by CCW Staff Research

                     and the Centre for Circular Design), in conversation on Making Meaning with Ruth Singer

2023            Repair Making - Keynote for Making and Mending conference, British Museum

2023            Work included in the book, Broken by Katie Treggiden

2022            Repair, Privilege and Community (talk), Fix Fest Brussels

2022            Creative Ceramic Repair, workshops for Toast, Somerset House

2021            Repair and the Variable Man (talk) Power to Change Festival, Tate Modern

2021            Back for good: the fine art of repairing things (interview), Observer

2021            In conversation on Circular with Katie Treggiden (podcast)

2021            Repair and Privilege, a Knit15 talk for Wild and Woolly, Unravel Festival

2021            Broken Isn't Bad, activities for the Museum of Childhood



2021            Work included in the book, Resilient Stitch by Claire Wellesley-Smith

2020            Work included in the book, Mend! by Kate Sekules

2020            Wear your repairs with pride: inside the modern mending movement (article), Financial


2019            Getting Making: Understanding Making, Understanding Ourselves (talk), British Council
2019            Maker in Residence, Victoria and Albert Museum

2019            Ceramic Perspectives: Object Focus Tour, Victoria & Albert Museum

2019            Spelman Cups: Attitudes to The Past (essay), Ephemera Journal

2019            Repair-Making in the Museum (research update talks), Victoria & Albert Museum

2018            Repairing Together: Unlearning, Sharing, Changing (talk), Goethe Institute

2018            Repair-Making (Lunchtime Lecture series), Victoria & Albert Museum

2018            A Large Box of Loose Parts (catalogue essay), A Narrative of Progress: The Camberwell

                     ILEA Collection

2018            Hopeful Repair, Repairing Hopefully (blog essay), Restart Project

2018            Jumpers: Truthful Fictional Auto/Biographies of Practice (talk), Textile and Place,

                     Manchester School of Art

2017            Redesigning Repair? History – Culture – Politic (talk), Chelsea College of Art




Lecturing and Research


I am a lecturer on MA Designer Maker (Camberwell College of Arts), MA Textile Design (Chelsea College of Art), and MA Design (Goldsmiths University).


2015 -23      Lecturer on MA Textile design, Chelsea College of Art


I am a visiting lecturer on MA Design, Goldsmith College, and both Grad Dip Graphics at Chelsea College of Art


I was an Associate Researcher with the Centre for Circular Design at Chelsea College of Arts (the centre has since closed)


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